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Interface InputBox

A concrete QuickInput to let the user input a text value.

Note that in many cases the more convenient window.showInputBox is easier to use. window.createInputBox should be used when window.showInputBox does not offer the required flexibility.





title: undefined | string

An optional title.


step: undefined | number

An optional current step count.


totalSteps: undefined | number

An optional total step count.


enabled: boolean

If the UI should allow for user input. Defaults to true.

Change this to false, e.g., while validating user input or loading data for the next step in user input.


busy: boolean

If the UI should show a progress indicator. Defaults to false.

Change this to true, e.g., while loading more data or validating user input.


ignoreFocusOut: boolean

If the UI should stay open even when loosing UI focus. Defaults to false. This setting is ignored on iPad and is always false.


onDidHide: Event<void>

An event signaling when this input UI is hidden.

There are several reasons why this UI might have to be hidden and the extension will be notified through QuickInput.onDidHide. (Examples include: an explicit call to QuickInput.hide, the user pressing Esc, some other input UI opening, etc.)


value: string

Current input value.


valueSelection: undefined | readonly [number, number]

Selection range in the input value. Defined as tuple of two number where the first is the inclusive start index and the second the exclusive end index. When undefined the whole pre-filled value will be selected, when empty (start equals end) only the cursor will be set, otherwise the defined range will be selected.

This property does not get updated when the user types or makes a selection, but it can be updated by the extension.


placeholder: undefined | string

Optional placeholder shown when no value has been input.


password: boolean

If the input value should be hidden. Defaults to false.

Readonly onDidChangeValue

onDidChangeValue: Event<string>

An event signaling when the value has changed.

Readonly onDidAccept

onDidAccept: Event<void>

An event signaling when the user indicated acceptance of the input value.


buttons: readonly QuickInputButton[]

Buttons for actions in the UI.

Readonly onDidTriggerButton

onDidTriggerButton: Event<QuickInputButton>

An event signaling when a button was triggered.


prompt: undefined | string

An optional prompt text providing some ask or explanation to the user.


validationMessage: undefined | string | InputBoxValidationMessage

An optional validation message indicating a problem with the current input value. By returning a string, the InputBox will use a default InputBoxValidationSeverity of Error. Returning undefined clears the validation message.



  • show(): void


  • hide(): void


  • dispose(): void
  • Dispose of this input UI and any associated resources. If it is still visible, it is first hidden. After this call the input UI is no longer functional and no additional methods or properties on it should be accessed. Instead a new input UI should be created.

    Returns void

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